How To Set The Real Estate Photography Price List: The 10 Effective Tips
Working as a photographer for the real estate is one of the best way to earn good money, however, bear in your mind that you will only gain from this career when you are knowledgeable to price what you offer. Setting the pictures price really low will prevent you from taking, while setting it that high will likely give confidence to clients to search for a cheaper option.
Aside from spending in companies that will give real estate photography editing services, like photoandvideoedits knowing how much you will charge for the real estate photography will also contribute to your winnings. With the perfect price, you will earn profits and will also attract more buyers as time goes on!
TL; DR: To assist you in setting the real estate photography price list, take note of these tips below:
1. Study your competition
This is one of the initial steps in setting the price, to determine how much your real estate photographers are charging in your area. Make a study of your competitors and then assess how they are charging their services. The figure can help you define the offerings and be aware of where you will fit in the marketplace.
When you plan to charge higher than those local photographers of real estate are pricing in your area, be sure that you will be able to justify why your service is high. You have to show in the local marketplace, why the service is worth paying for.
2. Adding the quick turnaround alternative for the added fee
Right after finding out about how much the real estate photographers are charging in your place, take into consideration if the amount will cover the quality of services and the photos. You will always charge higher than the standard price if it doesn’t, however, you have to offer a different things that the other photographers don’t have. For example, you may set your clients with extra for as long as there is a guarantee of faster turnaround.
You’ll also demand for higher fees when the clients will require of edited pictures after 24 hours of the photo shoot. Charging the clients rush rates if they want the editing to be finished ahead of the standard service time.
3. Set some pictures for the clients
Generally, the real estate photographers are producing around 50 photos for the clients. But, there will be cases when they have to provide more, particularly when photo shooting pictures of bigger properties with even more amenities.
Identify how many pictures you will give to your prospective clients when setting the prices. Consider your effort and time when shooting and editing them when you plan to provide them with even more than what is normal.
4. Charge for the premium service
Increase the real estate photography price list if you can give more than just the high-quality images to your clients. Utilize these premium services in identifying how much you will charge for the real estate photography. One example is, when you have the tool to make drone or video photography of real estate, you can charge your clients higher for the premium services you offer.
Videos will require more editing scenes than photos.
Alternatively, drone photography will involve using more and usually costly tools and might even have you to secure permits or licenses first.
5. Consider the home size
The real estate photography cost must differ on the property size you’re shooting. Bear in mind that the more significant property will require the more resources in editing and taking pictures. Usually, it would be helpful when you had different cost ranges when shooting like for the 4,000-6,000 square feet house, which will make sure that the costumer will pay for all of the efforts given.
6. Add the travel fee
When the client wishes you to travel from outside the city to take the real estate images, always charge them the travel fee. Traveling will require you to spend gas, more time and that is why you have to have added fees from the clients.
Be sure to consider a standard cost of commuting to a client’s place and utilize the information as your basis of the travel fee. One example is you may add the travel fee to the pricing after 31 miles or 50KM from your residence.
7. Make the fee for the surrounding area images
There are some clients that will ask to take pictures of attractions close by their properties. For example, if a property is close by the beach, the clients might ask to take pictures of the nearby shops and cafes, and also the beautiful pier. When you need to drive more, like a couple of hours or minutes to reach the area, make the fee for the surrounding area photos. Set the price like this will protect your energy and time in taking the photos.
8. Charge for the key drop-off or pick-up
Does the client wanted you to drop-off or to pick up a key to the property from their offices, since dropping off and picking up keys will also require more effort, charge the client who are asking for these kinds of services. Some extra bucks like $20 will be a reasonable charge when doing some other tasks aside from editing or taking real estate pictures.
9. Charge special rate for the Midday or Twilight Shots
The real estate images during the golden hour or the twilight is usually standing out in the lists. The light will be great during this day, plus a property will make an appealing and unique look. If clients wished to capture the golden hour or the twilight in the real estate pictures, charge them over in the real estate photography price as taking the shots will require more effort.
Taking the images will have you to be at the location during a particular time window since you only have 2 chances in one day to capture the lights – during sunset and sunrise.
10. Test the offers and see for yourself if the rates will work
Setting the photography prices will be a trial & error process – you’ll have to test the costs and the see if this will appeal to the local market. After declaring your service price, pay attention to your client’s reaction. Are they fine with the rates, or did they find it costly for them?
Consider the potential client feedback and change your price accordingly. Have your mind open to adjust the rates since you cannot always get it during the first try.
Knowledge Is Power
Being aware of the real estate photographer pricing is important since it will determine how much you’ll earn in the business. Bear in mind that the real estate photography will cost a lot since you will need to put on the particular equipment, and that is why you will have to price your services accurately to earn ROI or the returns on your investment.
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